Webpages tagged with «INDAF»

India, city, sky, vegetation
Published June 19, 2023 11:44 AM

The INDAF project is organizing a roundtable discussion (by invitation only) in New Delhi in June 2023 to discuss recent trends in Indian foreign policy. 

City, sky, road, Addis Ababa
Published Nov. 30, 2022 3:03 PM

This is an open call for all working on 'India in Africa' to submit a paper to the panel "India in Africa: Changing Modalities of South-South Cooperation" at ECSA 2023.

Image may contain: Product, Font, Rectangle, Display device, Electronic device.
Published Nov. 28, 2022 10:10 AM

“India continues to grow its diplomatic and political clout, and is scaling-up its Africa outreach. However, Indian policymakers cannot assume that their country’s development experience provides a blueprint for African development. India’s African outreach must pay greater attention to African developmental requirements and priorities and cannot rest solely on the country’s normative imaginary.”

Read this short article written by Dr. Meera Venkatachalam and Professor Dan Banik.

Published in African Arguments

Kenya, city, urban
Published Sep. 23, 2022 9:58 AM

Over the 75 years that has passed since India’s independence in 1947, the Indian pharmaceutical industry has gradually developed research and manufacturing hubs that offer a steady supply of affordable drugs to large parts of the world.

Read the latest op-ed on India-Africa cooperation by Prof. Ranga Reddy Burri, Prof. Dan Banik and PhD candidate Lise Bjerke. 

Published Mar. 24, 2022 2:49 PM

Attend the digital launch of the book India's Development Diplomacy & Soft Power in Africa edited by Kenneth King and Meera Venkatachalam 30 March.