Piper Elizabeth Donlin

Publisert 25. sep. 2015 13:40

Is cultural identity a luxury good or should it be a foundation for society? How does one balance the livelihoods of farmers while addressing the need to rethink what crops can be grown in California? Can modern agriculture contend with climate change?

Publisert 23. sep. 2014 06:49

While on fieldwork this summer, I was invited to attend a “foodshed mapping” on the White Earth Indian Reservation in Northwestern Minnesota. My research addresses Indigenous communities in the United States, and their work to regain control over their own food, economic structure, and health.

Publisert 27. mai 2014 09:44

It is common knowledge in the US that the small family farm is dying. This is both due to a movement towards large-scale corporate agriculture and the fact that farmers are, simply put, getting old.



En blogg om mat, miljø, etikk og politikk. Her legger vi ut våre egne og andres tanker og tekster om hvordan mat lages, distribueres, selges og konsumeres.

Også prøver vi å forstå hvorfor det er så vanskelig å spise riktig i dagens samfunn.