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MEATigation: Meat in Norwegian Food Practices: Eating

Hvordan inngår kjøtt som del av norske matvaner og -rutiner, og hvordan kan vi fremme et mer bærekraftig kjøttforbruk i Norge?

Dette prosjektet er en del av NTNUs hovedprosjekt MEATigation: Towards sustainable meat use in Norwegian food practices for climate mitigation. Prosjektet ønsker å forstå hvordan kan en endring av norsk kjøttproduksjon og -forbruk kan bidra til at vi når klimamålene.

Om prosjektet

I MEATigation skal 11 forskere innen samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora og kunst samarbeide med 10 aktører innen matforsyning og bærekraftkommunikasjon. Sammen skal de studere en sentral utfordring Norge står overfor i overgangen til et lavutslippssamfunn: endring av matsystemet.

En reduksjon i vestlig kjøttforbruk er avgjørende for global matsikkerhet, for å respektere jordas bæreevne og for å oppnå en forbedring av global helse. Det viser seg imidlertid at europeere, spesielt i Norden, er motvillige til å redusere kjøttforbruket, selv om de generelt er positive til å gjøre endringer i egen livsstil for å møte klimautfordringene. Det skyldes at kjøtt ikke bare er kalorier. Det er kultur. Kjøtt er dypt innvevd i sosiale praksiser som knytter sammen mening, identitet og verdier; kompetanse, ferdigheter og profesjoner; og materialer, dyr og landskap.


Hovedmålet i MEATigation er å undersøke hvordan kjøtt er forankret i norske matpraksiser og identifisere måter å fremme bærekraftig produksjon og forbruk av kjøtt i Norge. I denne delen av prosjektet står husholdningene i sentrum, og vi skal undersøke hvordan deres matpraksiser bidrar til kjøttforbruk, samt hvordan dette forklares og/eller rettferdiggjøres av ulike aktører. Videre skal vi undersøke hvilke forhold som forenkler eller vanskeliggjør en reduksjon i kjøttforbruket hos norske husholdninger. 

Datamaterialet i studien baserer seg på kvalitative husholdningsintervju i rurale og urbane boområder i Norge. I sammenheng med dette vil husholdningene bli bedt om å ta bilder slik at vi får større innblikk i hvilken rolle kjøtt spiller i deres matpraksiser. Rekruttering av husholdninger starter våren 2021. 


2020 –2024


Norges forskningsråd


Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom NTNU, Universitetet i Oslo, Wageningen University, Leeds University, Maastricht University, Southampton University og London School of Economics.

Andre partnere: MENY, Grønne Folk, Myrvangen Gård, Brattlia Økogård, Snerting Ranch, Stammen Café,  Folkekjøkken, Ducky, bioartistene Cathrine Kramer og Zackery Denfeld, og popgruppen Chicks on Speed.





  • Hansen, Arve & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2023). ‘It's just pølse’: Convenient meat consumption and reduction in Norway. Appetite. ISSN 0195-6663. 188. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2023.106611. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hansen, Arve; Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn; Efstathiou, Sofia & Volden, Johannes Rudjord (2023). Towards plantification: contesting, negotiating and re-placing meaty routines. Consumption and Society. doi: 10.1332/WPKF9257.
  • Sundet, Øyvind; Hansen, Arve & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2023). Performing meat reduction across scripted social sites: exploring the experiences and challenges of meat reducers in Norway. Consumption and Society. doi: 10.1332/ZGZV3476. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Volden, Johannes (2023). Doing (food) without meat? Accomplishing substitution and qualifying substitutes in household food practices. Consumption and Society. doi: 10.1332/APSQ9102. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Loeng, Martin & Korsnes, Marius (2023). Unravelling the Norwegian meat reduction controversy: navigating contested sustainabilities and the role of meat. Consumption and Society. 2(2), s. 281–299. doi: 10.1332/CXSI8930. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Efstathiou, Sofia (2022). Performing ‘meat’: meat replacement as drag. I Bruce, Donald & Bruce, Ann (Red.), Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility. Wageningen Academic Publishers. ISSN 978-90-8686-387-7. s. 412–417. doi: https:/doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-939-8_64. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Finstad, Terje (2022). "Å sette maten i banken." Momenter fra fryseboksanleggenes historie. I Finstad, Terje; Kvaal, Stig; Stokland, Håkon B. & Østby, Per (Red.), Matens meglere. Kontroll, kvalitet og kunnskap i den industrielle matens tid. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-65233-3. s. 161–189. doi: https:/doi.org/10.23865/noasp.155.
  • Morris, Carol; Kaljonen, Minna; Aavik, Kadri; Balázs, Bálint; Cole, Matthew & Coles, Ben [Vis alle 30 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). Priorities for social science and humanities research on the challenges of moving beyond animal-based food systems. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. ISSN 2662-9992. 8:38, s. 1–12. doi: 10.1057/s41599-021-00714-z. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Volden, Johannes & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2021). What Happens When Cultured Meat Meets Meat Culture? (Un)Naturalness And (Un)Familiarity In The Meat Of Today And Tomorrow. I Hansen, Arve & Syse, Karen Lykke (Red.), Changing Meat Cultures: Food Practices, Global Capitalism, and the Consumption of Animals. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISSN 978-1-5381-4265-3. s. 185–206.
  • Hansen, Arve; Jakobsen, Jostein & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2021). New Geographies of Global Meatification: The BRICS in the Industrial Meat Complex. I Hansen, Arve & Syse, Karen Lykke (Red.), Changing Meat Cultures: Food Practices, Global Capitalism, and the Consumption of Animals. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISSN 978-1-5381-4265-3. s. 35–58.
  • Hansen, Arve & Syse, Karen Lykke (2021). New Meat Engagements: Cultures, Geographies, Economies. I Hansen, Arve & Syse, Karen Lykke (Red.), Changing Meat Cultures: Food Practices, Global Capitalism, and the Consumption of Animals. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISSN 978-1-5381-4265-3. s. 1–16.
  • Hansen, Arve (2021). Eating a Capitalist Transformation: Economic Development, Culinary Hybridization, and Changing Meat Cultures In Vietnam. I Hansen, Arve & Syse, Karen Lykke (Red.), Changing Meat Cultures: Food Practices, Global Capitalism, and the Consumption of Animals. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISSN 978-1-5381-4265-3. s. 99–120.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). Meat we don’t greet: How ‘sausages’ can save pigs or how effacing livestock makes room for emancipation. I Hansen, Arve & Syse, Karen Lykke (Red.), Changing Meat Cultures: Food Practices, Global Capitalism, and the Consumption of Animals. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISSN 978-1-5381-4265-3. s. 102–112.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Hansen, Arve; House, Jonas & Rein, Angelique Kristine (2024). The global meat replacement complex and its geographies: Production, provision, consumption.
  • House, Jonas; Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid & Hansen, Arve (2024). What does it mean to replace meat? The ontological politics of meat substitution across cultural contexts .
  • Korsnes, Marius (2023). Melkedrikkingen går ned. Intervju med Marius Korsnes. [Radio]. Nea Radio.
  • Hansen, Arve; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2023). Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å spise mindre kjøtt? Forskersonen.no.
  • Hansen, Arve (2023). Kva skal til for å endre kjøtforbruket?
  • Hansen, Arve & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2023). Meat consumption and reduction in Norwegian households.
  • Korsnes, Marius (2023). Food within the Planetary Boundaries. What will we eat in a sustainable future? Examples from Norway.
  • Hansen, Arve (2023). Kvifor er det så vanskeleg å redusere kjøtforbruket?
  • Sundet, Øyvind (2023). Kjøttforbruk: hvorfor er det vanskelig å redusere – selv for de som ønsker det?
  • Hansen, Arve & Ording, Oda (2023). Avdekket veggis-gåte: - Overraskende. [Avis]. Dagbladet.
  • Hansen, Arve & Haanæs, Øystein Rygg (2023). Ekspertintervju: Kjøttvaner er vonde å vende. [Tidsskrift]. Energi og klima.
  • Volden, Johannes (2023). Can edible insects become the new meat? Exploring consumers’ experimentation with insect foods in everyday life.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2023). MEATaphysics: The found science of meat alternatives or how food biotech is creating new meat ontologies.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2023). Re-founding meat: From flesh to plant-based.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia & Ibáñez Martín, Rebeca (2023). For the love of meat: A conversation. Consumption and Society. doi: 10.1332/YIVS3129.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia; Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Johnson, Leslie Jeanne; Logan, Melissa. E.; Tromokratisch, Kangela & Andrea, Unnur [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). MEAT & Drag.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia & Bayesteh, Mohammad (2023). Again and Again.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia & Kendig, Catherine (2023). Surrealing: Making real as founding and finding.
  • Hansen, Arve (2023). The stubbornness of meaty routines: Meat consumption and reduction in Norway.
  • Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Efstathiou, Sophia; Logan, Melissa. E.; glas, kathi; Cathrine, Kramer & Tromokratisch, Kangela [Vis alle 15 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). More Meat, Less Meat.
  • Hansen, Arve; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2023). Friday tacos and outdoor barbeques: Re-configuring ‘institutionalized meals’ towards meat reduction in Norway .
  • Korsnes, Marius; Hansen, Arve; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2023). The Circulation of Meat: How contemporary food practices reproduce the demand for meat in Norway.
  • Volden, Johannes (2023). Panelist.
  • Volden, Johannes (2023). Reconstructing meatiness: insights from ‘everyday experimentation’ with meat substitution in Norway.
  • Hansen, Arve (2023). Fastlåste mat(u)vanar: Kan vi endre kjøtforbruket?
  • Volden, Johannes (2023). Probing protein futures: Experimental geographies and everyday edible insect consumption .
  • Volden, Johannes (2023). Probing protein futures: Everyday experimentation and edible insect consumption .
  • Korsnes, Marius & Loeng, Martin (2022). The Constitution of Demand for Animals in Norwegian Foodways.
  • Loeng, Martin & Korsnes, Marius (2022). Veganske mattradisjoner i Norge.
  • Volden, Johannes (2022). Doing (food) without meat? Accomplishing substitution and qualifying substitutes in household food practices.
  • Volden, Johannes (2022). Tomorrow’s food today: What can consumers’ self-experimentation with plant-based meat and edible insects tell us about the future of protein?
  • Volden, Johannes (2022). Tomorrow’s foods, today’s practice? Visceral encounters with alternative proteins in everyday life.
  • Korsnes, Marius (2022). Kor mykje er nok? Forsking på forbruk av kjøt og mjølk.
  • Volden, Johannes (2022). Tomorrow’s food today? Barriers and opportunities for alternative proteins in household food practices.
  • Hansen, Arve; Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn; Volden, Johannes & Sundet, Øyvind (2022). Kjøttskam eller ribbeglede?
  • Hansen, Arve & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2022). Meat consumption and reduction in Norway: Social sites, materials, agency.
  • Volden, Johannes (2022). Kjøttets framtid i forbruket: Muligheter og barrierer for å legge om matvaner fra konvensjonelt kjøtt til alternative proteiner og kjøttreduserende praksiser fra et forbrukerperspektiv.
  • Sundet, Øyvind (2022). Performing meat reduction: exploring the experiences, approaches and challenges of Norwegian meat reducers.
  • Sundet, Øyvind (2022). Performing meat reduction: exploring the experiences, approaches and challenges of Norwegian meat reducers.
  • Hansen, Arve (2022). National development and contested (de)meatification in Vietnam and Norway.
  • Hansen, Arve & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2022). The power of the pølse: Foodscapes, convenience food and everyday geographies of meat consumption and reduction in Norway.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia; Thorseth, May Britt; Ursin, Lars Øystein; Gamlund, Espen; Lysaker, Odin & Børresen, Bergljot (2022). Freya: Moralske refleksjoner post mortem. [Internett]. Salongen.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia & Kanerva, Minna (2022). MEAT meets! Minna Kanerva. [Internett]. YouTube.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia; Kaljonen, Minna & Lonkila, Annika (2022). MEAT meets! Minna Kaljonen and Annika Lonkila . [Internett]. YouTube.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia & Roscher, Mieke (2022). MEAT meets! Mieke Roscher . [Internett]. YouTube.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia (2022). Meat Intelligence.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia; Sadredini, Mani & Coutinho, Silvia Ribeiro (2022). MEAT meets! Mani Sadredini . [Internett]. YouTube.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia; House, Jonas & Volden, Johannes (2022). MEAT meets! Jonas House . [Internett]. YouTube.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia (2022). Recognise, Replace, Refine: 3Rs for sustainable meat use.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia (2022). Performing ‘meat’: meat replacement as drag.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia (2022). Recognise, Replace, Refine: 3Rs for sustainable meat-use as guides for RRI.
  • Efstathiou, Sofia (2022). Performing ‘meat’: meat replacement as drag.
  • Volden, Johannes (2022). The Emergence of Cell-Cultured Meat: A brief introduction.
  • Hansen, Arve (2022). The geographies of everyday meat consumption in Norway: Stubborn food practices and meat-intensive foodscapes.
  • Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2022). The Norwegian sausage: Exploring meaning and materiality in ‘convenient’ meat consumption .
  • Hansen, Arve (2022). (Un)sustainable consumption and everyday life.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2022). Meat without meat: The found science of meat and contemporary vegan biotech .
  • Efstathiou, Sophia & Papalexandri-Alexandri, Marianthi (2022). Sounding Secrets.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2022). Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in action.
  • Volden, Johannes (2022). Doing (food) without meat? The role of meat substitutes in the food practices of meat lovers, meat reducers, and meat avoiders .
  • Korsnes, Marius & Loeng, Martin (2022). How have animals become embedded in Norwegian foodways?
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2022). The found science of meat alternatives-How food biotech is creating new meat concepts .
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2022). Considering meat replacements as drag.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2022). Meat we don't greet: How industrialisation facilitates the end of meat.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia & Loeng, Martin (2022). MEATigation presents: Eat Like your Grandparents -Reducing meat the old way.
  • Hansen, Arve; Korsnes, Marius; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes R. & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2021). Holdningsendring alene gir ikke kjøttkutt. SUM-bloggen.
  • Hansen, Arve; Korsnes, Marius; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes R. & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2021). Kjøttkutt krever politisk styring! Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Volden, Johannes R. (2021). Mat, helse og bærekraft: Hvilken rolle spiller mat for bærekraftig utvikling? Mat og helse i skolen. ISSN 1890-3193. s. 28–34.
  • Volden, Johannes Rudjord (2021). The quest for sustainable protein: Introduction. Matlære.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia; Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Duch, Michael Francis; Logan, Melissa. E. & Ocher, Mary (2021). Meet me over Meat.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). Technologies of Effacement in Meat Production.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). Meat we don't Greet: How ‘sausages’ can save pigs or how effacing livestock makes room for emancipation.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia & Engvik, Inga Vinje (2021). «Misbruk av dyr er noe som i stor grad tas for gitt og ikke stilles spørsmål ved». [Tidsskrift]. Kultur Plot .
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). Tavros – On animal resistance.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). WP1: Founding meat in Norwegian food practices – Challenges and Proud Moments.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). UPCYCLED Cookbook -Having a brainstorm.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). Meat we don’t greet.
  • Volden, Johannes (2021). The quest for sustainable protein: Meat from plants? Matlære.
  • Korsnes, Marius (2021). Matters of Concern in the Norwegian Sustainability Transition.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). Meat we don’t greet: How ‘sausages’ can save pigs or how effacing livestock makes room for emancipation.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2021). Design and Technologies of Effacement.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2020). Meat without meat.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia & Stubberud, Elisabeth (2020). WP1: Founding meat in Norwegian food practices.
  • Efstathiou, Sophia (2020). Deep Playing: Art-based approaches to responsible research.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 1. sep. 2020 14:30 - Sist endret 11. juni 2024 10:49