Spreading the word about "The Political Origins of Health Inequity"

Ole Petter Ottersen at the PMAC Conference in Thailand January 2015. Photo: Naiphinich Kotchabhakdi

Since its publication in The Lancet on 11 February 2014, the report has been cited 58 times and has been translated into both Portuguese and Spanish. According to ScienceDirect, the report “has done particularly well, scoring higher than 97% of articles from the same journal published in the same time period” (1).

As chair of the Commission, Ole Petter Ottersen has been invited to present the work of the Commission at several conferences and seminars around the world. He and other commissioners have also published academic and newspaper articles reemphasising the message of the Commission to see health inequity as a global, political challenge that can only be addressed through multisectoral action.


An overview of some of the presentations given by Ottersen can be found below:



  • 15 May 2014 – Presentation at the “Partnership for Change” Conference, Oslo



  • 1 July 2014:  Seminar at the Norwegian Mission in New York, in collaboration with Colombia University on "Global health governance: the root cause of health inequalities?", and meetings with Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen  at UNFPA and with Paul Gulleik Larsen at the UN delegation.




  • 26 November 2014 – Presentation and panel debate at Polyteknisk forening at Vitenskapsakademiet, Oslo.



  • 9 – 10 February 2015 – Presentation at Cape Town University, South Africa.



  • 7 May 2015 – Presentation at the "Partnership for Change" conference in Oslo.





(1) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673613624071

Published Jan. 11, 2016 11:10 AM - Last modified July 2, 2021 11:39 AM