A Sustainable Energy System for the Provision of Rural Electrification Services (PITRO III) (completed)

This project is a multi-disciplinary research collaboration covering both the technical and socio-economical aspects of implementing decentralized solar-based mini-grids in Tanzania.

About the project

The collaboration will involve researchers from a wide range of disciplines. The technology component will cover energy production, storage, distribution and utilization. The socio-economic component will examine the accommodation of mini-grids to local micro-economies and to local practices concerning health, food storage and preparation, hygiene and also other energy services. It will be important to explore the attitude of the local people towards the use of solar technologies. How can conditions be created such that people are willing to change their energy-using domestic and agricultural practices, now based mainly on wood fuel and petroleum products, to accommodate use of solar energy and other renewables? What is the most efficient way of spreading new renewable energy technologies such that know-how on operation and upkeep are acquired by the users? The answers to these questions will help to identify challenges and success factors at the local, regional and national level for the implementation of mini-grids, and to examine how social and economic development may be facilitated in ways that are replicable on a larger scale.

Duration: 2010 - 2012.


The overall objective will be to set up solar mini-grids in two Tanzanian villages and use these cases to explore social, technological and economic challenges associated with the implementation of off-grid energy systems.


  • SIU


Published Sep. 20, 2011 11:43 AM - Last modified Aug. 13, 2013 12:59 PM


  • Anders Elverhøi University of Oslo
  • Vebjørn Bakken University of Oslo
  • Rogath T. Kivaisi (University of Dar Es Salaam)
  • Bakari Mwinyiwiwa (University of Dar Es Salaam)
  • Colman Msoka (University of Dar Es Salaam)
Detailed list of participants